Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Everybody Needs a Rock!

Your child needs to bring a rock to class by October 6th for a writing activity.
We will decorate, share, and use our rock as an inspiration to write a creative story.

Open House

Please join us from 7:00-8:00 on October 8th for Open House.

News from Mrs. Herridge

Science test on Friday...look for your child to bring home a review sheet on Thursday. The review sheet will also be a daily grade.
Math homework: there is math homework every night!
The front side of the page is the most important.
Don't let your child get frustrated on word problems, some of them can be difficult.
**We are about to begin our 7 facts in multiplication.**

Friday, September 25, 2009

"Me" Sock

We started working on our "Me" socks today.
The students have to draw at least six things that represent them on their "Me" sock.

We will use the sock during the year to inspire topics in writing.


Each student had to choose a book to use to make a storyboard.
The storyboard incorporates everything we have worked on this six weeks:
characters, setting, rising action, climax, falling action, solution, and author's perspective.
We have worked on them a little bit each day and they are due in
today for a major reading grade.
The students have worked very hard on them!

Reading Vocabulary

Every week the students have reading vocabulary that they have to do in their reading spiral. They have to write an antonym and synonym for each word.
They also have to write a sentence and draw a picture for each word.
We have been using the "M & M" man as our graphic organizer for our vocabulary.
We will have a test over our vocabulary spiral at the end of the 6 weeks.

Doesn't Wyatt look so excited to be working on vocabulary???

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Shots...Look at those Smiles!

Map Time!


The kids are "reading" really hard to be the TOP DOG!
Each week the "Top 10" from each class is posted on the TOP DOG poster.
The top dog each 6 weeks receives 10 Starbucks!


One of the new things at SCE this year is that every day we have a live broadcast, my homeroom did KSCE broadcast this are two of our lovely correspondents.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I am America

We read a book called I am America.
It is a picture book that has different kids in America giving really cool descriptions of themselves. So, we have been working on our own "I am America" book. They are turning out really GREAT!

I will have it ready to view for open house, but wanted to post a couple cute ones!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ruby Lavender

We are reading the novel, Love, Ruby Lavender in class.
The story is about nine year old Ruby and her wacky grandmother, Miss Eula. They live in Halleluia, Mississippi...population 400 good friendly folks and a few old soreheads. Its about three stolen and unruly chickens, the town bully, the town operetta, a death in the family, friendship, laughter, grief...


We will be talking about "perspective" all year.

We have talked about how "where we come from" determines what kind of perspective we have...its been really fun learning about everyone's different lives.

We have had several discussions comparing our lives to:

  • Ruby Lavender's life
  • homeless people
  • being the oldest in your family vs. being the youngest
  • children in Africa
  • families who live in the country or on a farm
  • how different we would look if this was 1492...the boys were not too excited about the thought of wearing tights :)

What else are we learning?

Telescoping...focusing on the "one thing" that we want to write about.
Character traits, perspective, setting, and plot.
Social Studies
Geography...we will start making a Texas map this week.
We have been working on Cardinal directions and themes of geography.
Subjects and predicates, nouns, and verbs.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Welcome to 4th grade!

I teach Language Arts, Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Social Studies.