Friday, October 16, 2009

New A.R. Requirements in Mrs. Payne's Class

Starting this six weeks, the students are required to have 10 A.R. points by the end of the six weeks. That basically equals less than 2 points a week. This is a very easy goal, but it is going to require that they always have an A.R. book with them.

There are several opportunities during the day for them to read. Please emphasize this with your child at home. If they tell us that they don't have an A.R. book, they are going to have to write you a letter about why they don't have an A.R. book and get it signed by you.

Why such an emphasis on A.R.? The emphasis in my classroom is not the A.R. part, BUT the reading part. There are improvements in all academic areas when the reading fluency and comprehension increases.

My goal as a teacher is to instill a lifelong love of learning and reading...but for some students it requires a little bit of "nudging".

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